The dream finally come true for Daniel. Many lurers around the world have always wanted to land the arapaima on lure by themselves. It not an easy task but neither hard.Hard work and patience do payoff when come to lurng your dream fish here in IT Monsters lake. Unlike baiting, lurers need to believe in himself , never die attitude and be consistant when come to cranking the lure. ;)
Yesterday was a perfect day for Daniel at IT Monsters lake. He landed a 12KG Barra in wee morning 6.45am and then 10 min later, hooked up a 60KG Arapaima on his amazing Yamato lure which I've helped him to buy 6 pieces before we head for IT Monsters lake. In SG , I think Wenlong is selling it at his shop.
Swim actions just like a live tilapai and color is simply beautiful. 7 section joints swim baits !!!
Enjoys the highight photos & music vid clips.
Music vid clip.
'Live actions' of 60KG arapaima captured in this clip.
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